Portrait Agreement

Your session fee covers the time and talent of the photographer for the session.

Reproduction of images without consent from the photographer is unlawful and prohibited.  Even though Hole in a Wall Photography still owns the rights to the images, you will be given shared copyright priveleges.  This includes unlimited sharing through the web and social media, email, printing and copying.  You maynot claim them as your own.

Due to the nature of the photography, all sales are final and there are no refunds.  If, however, there is a photographer error, it will be corrected at no charge.

In teh event your images are lost or damaged through camera or computer malfunction, photographer liability will be limited to retaking the session as soon as possible.  A full refund is given if a retake cannot be scheduled.  If the fee is refunded, there will be no further obligation on the part of the photographer.

Clients are responsible for their own safety, the safety of those accompanying them and the safety of each minor child that accompanies them.  Clients agree to retain custody and control of each child at all times during the session to avoid injury.  On behalf of themselves and any children, client releases Hole in a Wall from all claims and liabilities.

I have understood and agree to all terms and conditions listed above.  I give consent for  images of myself and my minor children  to be used for promotional purposes for Hole in a Wall Photography.  These uses include but not limited to display on websites, blog, printed materials,  and portfolios.

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